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The Dutch (game character not language) Task Manager

Individual project for NUS CS2103 Module

Dutch Task Tracker

Dutch Task Tracker is a task tracking application (as the name implies). It was made for the iP part of CS2103 at NUS. With this application, one can track different kinds of tasks and their deadlines. It was named after the character “Dutch van der Linde” from the video game “Red Dead Redemption 2”.

User Guide

Adding tasks

There are 3 kinds of tasks that can be added. The command syntax is also shown below.

  1. Todo: todo taskDescription
  2. Events: event taskDescription /at date
  3. Deadlines: deadline taskDescription /by date

Take note that the date has to be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

The application will then return a confirmation message if the task was added successfully, and an error message if some part of the command was wrong.

Listing tasks

The syntax for listing all currently stored tasks: list

The application will then list all currently stored tasks, as well as its index number.

Deleting tasks

The syntax for deletion is as follows: delete taskIndex

The taskIndex refers the number attached to the task when “list” is used.

Tagging tasks

The syntax for tagging is as follows: tag taskIndex tagDescription

The taskIndex refers the number attached to the task when “list” is used.

The tagDescription should be a string with not spaces within.

Find tasks

The syntax for searching is as follows: find searchTerm

The application will then list all the tasks that contain the search term fully. For dates, the input has be in DD-MMM-YYYY format. The search is not case-sensitive.

Saving and exiting

The syntax for exiting is as follows: bye

This will save your current task list into a .txt file and exit the applicaiton.